Khamis, Disember 31, 2009

blik Campus!!

mcm xcaya je..
lg bpe ari je nk blik dah..huhu..
gler ar...
ase x ready lg nk blik campus,,
huhu..jdi ker blik awal ni..
cmne nk berdepn ngn smua org??
especially MR.WhiTe!!
berdebar2 lor..
cmne ea..

btw,,b4 blik ni,,
hehe..nk blaja from my sis..
hope m'jdi..

2,3 ari ni..kepla aq asyk skit je..
perut pon skit..
bkn coz slh mkn o pe..
aq pon xtau npe..
kdg2 2 skit sgt smpy dh xthan..
tp aq xde la mkn ubat plak..
hehe..coz pd aq.
aq xsuke sgt mnjakn dri ngn ubat..
slagi xteruk,,hehe..
ubat 2 leh smpn dlu..hehe..

ha,,nk blik campus ni..
aq de azam bru..
emm,nak blaja btol2..
kali ni aq mmg akn cube yg terbaik..
dh xnk men2 g..hehe..
21 hari lg aq nk cukup 20thun..
i'm trying 2 b more matured...

i felt so,,,,,,

skrg ni aq ase rjin plak nk update blog ni..
everyday aq post somethng,,
mostly bout my feeling lor,,
aq ngah berperang ngn perasaan skrg ni..
what should i do??
cmne aq nk ckp yg aq rndukan die
n sygkan die??
kdg2 aq ase mcm bertepuk sblah tgn..
huhhuu,,siot tol aq ni kan..
de ke pk cm g2..
haha..ntah la..
aq dlm proses nk memahami die,,
i'm trying...
hope aq berjaya hadapi smua ni..
Ya Allah,,
kuatkanlah hati hambamu ini..
tabahkn hatiku mnmpuhi smua dugaan ini..
aq hanya insan yg lemah..

Rabu, Disember 30, 2009

the L.O.N.E.L.I.N.E.S.S

korg penah dgr lagu the loneliness by babyface ni x?
aq pon xtau npe,,aq suke sgt lagu ni..
tiap kali aq dgr,,ase nk menitik
air mata ni..
lagu ni sedih,,lirik die.
mengisahkan btpa sunyi nye
penyanyi ni tanpe org yg die
betapa seksa nye prsaan die,,
menghrpkn org yg die syg
menunggu kekasih hati die kembali...
arghh,,sedihnye lagu ni..
aq nk nangis..
lirik ni menyentuh
hati aq sgt..
aq sunyi sgt skrg ni...
emm,,aq fhm MR.WHITE aq bz skrg ni..
aq pon xnk gnggu die..
kat cni ni je lor tmpt nk luah..heehee..
aq syg die sgt3...
ntah bkn meragukn die..
tp kdg2 aq ni slalu pk bkan2..
salah aq ke ase cm gni??
aq xtau nk ckp betapa aq rindukn die
setiap saat...
setiap masa tunggu die..
but aq fhm situasi die..
take care mr.WHITE^_^

Selasa, Disember 29, 2009

kawanku sayang,,

emm,,ni plak kisah sal bestfriend aq,YUSMALINA... xtau npe skrg ni die cam len mcm je..
emm,,ko de probs ke??or aq de wat slah kat ko??
huhu..rsau lor,,ye ni manusia biasa je..
kdang2 aq sndri xsedar aq de wat slah..
kdang2 aq ase aq ni bkan kwn y
g bek tuk die...
aq xpenah wat die happy..ase bersalah sgt lor..
korg de suggestion x cmne nk tnjuk kat die,,
walau pe2 pon yg tetap kat sisi die..
hhuu..pening2..yus,,aq syg ko..
ntah nk jdi kwn yg bek tuk ko..
tp aq rsau aq xmmpu nk wat ko happy slalu..
yus,,from deep of my heart..
ko seorg sahabat yg sgt bek..
aq slalu doakn ko bertemu ngn kebahagiaan yg ko
lom jmpe lg...
aq harap ko sabar ea..
n aq harap ko slalu ingat aq sentiasa dgn ko walau ape2 pon yg terjdi,,
even aq xde dekat ngn kasih syg aq
tuk ko slalu akn menyokong ko no matter what u'll
face n do!!
remember it until u die!syg ko yus!
eemm,,kwan2 yg lain aq syg gak..
aq pon xtau npe akak skrg menjauhkn kot..
aq nk contact slalu pon xde kredit..
dah bpe hari x top up..
akak,,,ada tetap ingat akak..
missing u..
wiya plak..
dak kecik ni,,even jarang contact die,,
die x ksah kot..
tp honestly,,aq syg smua kwn2 aq..
ni bru cte sal kwn2 pmpuan aq..
bout kwn2 lelaki aq,,,

the loneliness by babyface (lyrics)

[Verse 1]
Im sitting here
Thinking bout
How im gon-na do without
You around in my life and how am I
I gon' get by
I ain't got no days
Just lonely nights
You want the truth
Well girl im not alright
Feel out of place and out of time
I think im gonna lose my mind
So tell me how you feel (im lonely)
Are you for real (so lonely)
Do you still think of me (i think of you)
Baby still (are you lonely)
Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time)
So let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die)
Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes)
Let me tell you how it feels (and don't see your pretty face)
I think that i will never love again
[Verse 2]
I miss your face
I miss your kiss
I even miss the arguments
That we would have from time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I'm dying here its clear to see
There ain't no you, God knows there ain't no me
Don't wanna live, I wanna die
If I cant have you in my life
[Chorus (repeat till end)]
So tell me how you feel (im lonely)
Are you for real (so lonely)
Do you still think of me (i think of you)
Baby still (are you lonely)
Do you dream of me at night (like i dream of you all the time, so lonely)
Oh let me tell you how it feels (its like everyday i die)
Wish i was dreaming but its real (when i open up my eyes)
Let me tell you how it feels (and don't see your pretty face)
I think that I will never love again

Isnin, Disember 28, 2009

what's wrong with me??

dah lama gle x update blog ni..cian,,terbiar..
hehe,,aq pon xtau npe..mybe,xtau nk cte pe dlm blog ni..
hehe..skrg ni aq kat umah,ngah menghabiskn waktu cuti semester
yg tinggal brpa hari je lg..hehe..emm,xtau nk ckp cmne prsaan ni..
happy??sedih??excited??hehe..mcm2 lor..yg pntng,,i can't wait nk jmpe
smua org..especially my dear mr.white~hehe..rndu sgt ngn smua org.nsib bek
la de internet yg menghubungkn kami least xde la terputus hbgn lgsg..
nak harap sms o call slalu xdpt la..hehe..nak top up pon kdg2 xde
hope smua org fhm ea..bkan sombong o pe..hehe..juz xde krdt je..emm,,aq de bnd
nak sal my motor kan ne la pndy bwa mtr ni..
pas2 mak aq plak suh amek lesen pon ikut je la ats bbrpa sbb
aq dh dpt L tp aq dh mls nk g class..smua sbb aq xpndy bwa mtr..
ri 2 msa g class L pon,,de 2,3 org laki gelakkan aq..siot je..
bkan nk tlng aq,,gelakkn aq plak..sbb 2 aq mls dah nk g lg.
plan aq nk g class ble aq dh leh bw mtr..mybe cuti mid
sem bulan 2 t aq biz kan de cuti seminggu..
tp mak aq cam xbg je..hehe,tgk je la cmne t..
tutup cte sal 2,,aq de bnda len nk

emm,,ni plak sal bpak aq..masa aq blik cuti ri 2,,aq dpt tau bpak aq x sihat sgt..
mak aq ckp kna cancer usus,,mcm truk je..jap2 msuk wad..ble kuar sminggu,pas2 msuk
smla..huhuhu..rsau lor..bpak aq plak asyk ckp bkan2 je..skrg dpt tau
1 kebenaran,,rupa2 nye bpak aq xde pon xfhm pe kena ngn dktr yg rawat bpak aq ni..kalo akak n abg aq xtnye btol2 ngn dktr 2,,ntah2 smpy ble2 ktorg 1 family kna tipu..huhu..alhamdulillah bpk aq terhindar dri smua 2..syukur alhamdulillah,,hope ayah aq cpat sembuh..walau xde cancer tp bpak aq de skit kat bhgn usus..mcm luka la..
act,,klinik yg rawat bpk aq bkn government..bpk aq g homeopaty,,xtau la spelling btol o x..hehehe..dktr kat c2 kwn ntah lor..cpat sembuh tau abah..hehe..

skrg ni plak,,sal MR.WHITE aq..hehe..kalo nk tau,,die la my hero syg..merangkap my love..hehe..emm,,die ni cinta pertama aq,,syg die bangat lor..
i think dis is my 1st time fall in white ni mmg istimewa tuk aq.. pon xtau nk explain cmne prsaan syg aq ni kat die..susah bangat lor nk
diungkapkan ngn la 2,3 kali slah fhm antara aq n die..
but,,smua dh ok..mmg la time de slh fhm 2,hati mcm kna carik2..biasa la kan..
tp kna la accept,,ne de kisah cinta yg slalu bahagia..hehe..everytime pas gaduh,,
aq ase makin rapat..hehe..mybe proses nk fhm dri msng2 kot..huhu..sikit2 aq fhm mr.white aq ni..but aq xksah cmne skli pon sifat o prgai trma die seadanya..
aq syg die pe adanye..hehhe..syg xtau nk luah kt ne prsan ni..emm,,
thankz ea 4 ur love..ur love had completed my xpenah harap pe2 selain ksih syg,cinta n yg plng penting kehadiran die di sisi aq.2 yg plng penting..
aq bahagia ble die harap cinta aq n die kekal smpy ke akhir hayat..
hope die la jodoh n cinta yg aq cri2 slama ni..mybe aq muda lg nk ckp sal bnda ni..but,,i can't stop it..huhuh..
tbe2 teringat blik cmne kisah cinta ktorg,,hehe..mmg x disangka aq n die
akan jdi psgn kekasih.hehe..mmg x disangka..perasaan ni dtg tbe2..tnpa aq
n die sedar..hehe..slalu aq baca msj2 mr.white yg lepas2..nk lepas rndu n nk
menyegarkan memori kami..hehe..jiwang ke aq ckp cm gni?hehe..ntah xsngka plak
aq leh ckp cm gni..maybe hati ngah berbunga..hehe..I L.O.V.E YOU,sAyAng..huhuu..
seriously,,cinta bangat..haha.."walau cmne pon keadaan kt,,kasih i xpenah
berkurang,cinta i xpenah berubah,hati i akan tetap bersama u selamanya.."
hehe..hope walau pe pon terjadi kt akan tetap tabah n sama2 hadapi nye..ok??
xsabar nk jumpa kamu syg..hehehe..menghitung hari je skrg ni..lg bpe mnggu kt dpt
jmpe..cmne la kamu skrg kan mr.white..hehe..10 hari je lg..hehe..
mcm xcaya la..dh 2,3 hari jarang msj n contact bkn xnk
contact,,juz xde kredit..hehe..gpun die bz ckit..
kena tlg ayah,,but aq fhm,,aq nk jd gf yg
memahami tuk xnk jdi jnis yg suke mendesak...die pon de life's ok..but i never stop missing u..everytime,,
dlm kepala ni always thinking of u..hehe..
aq xpenah ase cm special u are in my life!!
pe2 pon,,i'll love u syg 4ever..i'll b always be at ur side..i'll never leave u
no matter what happend n what situation it is..
promise u syg...

LAST BUT NOT LEAST,,ni crta sal kwn2..emm,,aq brsyukur sgt dpt kwan2 aq yg skrg ni..
dorg smua ni ibarat permata di dsar lautan..terlalu berharga..hhuuhu..
tanpe dorg,,xlengkap hdup aq ni..ble kwn2 aq de,,MR.WHITE de n family de,
smua 2 dh lengkapkn hdup aq..ble aq de probs xpenah dorg angkat kaki
tnggalkn aq..hehe..syg dorg gak..emm ANZ,AZHAR,AKAK,YUS,WIYA,B.CIK,QUYA,OPIE,FIUZ,
KUDUS,SURAYA,hehee..thankz ea harap friendship ni 4ever.
btw,,aq mnx maaf kat kwn2 aq yg kat tau aq
dah mungkir jnji co z xdtg melaka..emm,mmg jdi lor..bpak aq
msuk wad,aq kna biz kan amek lesen..emm,,aq kesal sgt.
bkan aq mmg nk 2 la..segan lor nk mnx maaf byk2 kali..
korg pon maybe dah bosan ngn aq asyk mngkir janji je..
maaf ea syg korg sgt2..sory2...emm,,hope korg still sudi
nak maafkn aq..huhu..

Rabu, Disember 02, 2009


aq serba slh ngn ko...sorry..
sbb aq,,,skrg ko ngah bersedih..
i'm bkan kwn yg bek..
tp aq jnji..
aq xkan tnggalkn ko akan support ko slalu..
aq syg ko..sgt2...
aq nk jdi kwn yg bek..
kalo de pe2,ko gtau aq k...
friend 4ever...