Selasa, Februari 23, 2010

npe hdup cm gni?
bkan nk menyesal ngn pe yg aq trma skrg,,,
aq bersyukur,,
but,,did i do somethng wrong in da past?
why life always cruel??
or we r da cruel one??
there's a lot of thing happends in dis life,,,
could i be da tough girl 2 through all of dis???
is it really hard 2 love me??
so much questions in my mind rite now...
plz,,,someone answer it...
i'm afraid i don't have any strength 2 face
and through dis life..
i'm always wonder whether
is dis life will always like dis???
when i can felt da happiness??
i'm tired with dis life..
plz,,i juz want happiness,
i juz want 2 be loved..
not like dis..
if u do not want me anymore,,
why don't you tell me?

Rabu, Februari 17, 2010


missing u all day,,,
my heart can't stop
missing u,,,

Selasa, Februari 16, 2010

my story,,,

aq nk cte pe ek post kali ni..
cte sal life aq kat mimet la,,
around 4weeks kat mimet,,
mcm2 jdi..
de bnda yg suke,,,de bnda gak yg duka..
ble happy,,kt ketawa,,
ble sedih,,kt menangis,,
biasa la manusia..
aq pon sama gak cm2,,
bkan tiap2 ari aq happy..
byk kali gak sedih..
ble dh jdi mcm2 2 la..
aq blaja erti kehidupan..
erti pershabatan...
susah senang tanggung sama2..
aq happy,,korg happy..
korg happy,,aq lg la happy..
antara prstwa yg pling aq ingat,,,
emm,,waktu de org serang aq n mr.white aq
kat fb..
time 2 smua tlg aq..
terharu sgt..
time 2 plak fb aq xleh nk post comment..
aq ase dak 2 bengang gak ngn kwn2 aq ni..
ye la,,mmg panas hati kna psycho..
pe2 pon,,thankz guys...
sal hbgn aq,,
i learn somethng,,
emm,,i should give him some space 2 do what
he want 2 do...
gve him some freedom,,
mcm yg die wat,,,
aq ase brsalah coz mcm slalu sgt push die..
n it keep haunting me..
sory syg,,
i really don't mean it...
it juz bcoz,,i love you..
hope u will understand..
study plak,,
byk class yg xsama ngn dak2 ni,,
aq try nk biasa kn dri..
emm,,try 2 b independent...
siapkn xsgnment on time,,
study lbh kerap..
trying my best 2 get da best result..

Selasa, Februari 02, 2010

luahan hati,,,

ari ni pnat ckit lor...
g rushing wat medical check up,,,
tuk SEA MAN card..
abiz RM170..
duit pon dh biz..
td mama msj,,
sedih la ayat msj mama,,
act,,aq de ckp ngn mama sal mmpi aq 2 hari lpas..
aq mimpi gigi bwah aq de 3,4 batang yg patah..
tbe2 mama ckp de petanda..
tp xtaw...
ntah la..
rsau lor...
"salam ayu,,mama dah potong rambut pasal ayu mimpi 2,,
agaknya mama x,yg nk jalan dlu..."
cm2 la msj mama...
sebak dada aq baca..
smga smua ahli keluarga n org yg aq syg
terhindar dri sgla bhaya...
aq syg smua..
smua penting tuk aq...